Sunday, November 16, 2014

Modi is BrisbanNeD from G20!!!

The annual G20 summit came to an end today. Like each year, since its inception in 1999, the event is seen as a 3 day gathering of the major Heads of States of the developed and the developing economies. Many a pact and treaty are signed under the aegis of this strategic event. 

This year, the event was held at Brisbane, Australia. It was the first for Narendra Modi and he did not waste a single moment of it. Right from the moment he arrived till he left Brisbane for Canberra, NAMO hogged the limelight all throughout. 

As soon as he landed in Australia, he was aghast to see that the venue which was cordoned off for the world leaders had some garbage strewn around. Not the one to waste time, he immediately started the Swachh Bharat Swachh Brisbane campaign and got his colleagues to pitch in. 

The world media went Ga Ga over this!!! Indian PM makes Obama and Cameron clean up their acts!!! screamed a tabloid Down Under. 

After this initial round of salvo, NAMO then showed his next move. That of a spirited, happy, warm and friendly side as he greeted each of the world leader with a warm hug or a firm handshake. I believe the more apt word in this context is schmoozed. 

Every person at the summit worth his stature or fame or power wanted to schmooze with the man of the season, the man for all the right reasons - Narendra Modi. He had become the toast of the town. 

His lectures and speeches were heard by one and all in rapt attention. He spoke of black money and the world leaders promised to act promptly. He spoke with the German Chancellor to introduce Sanskrit in German schools. It was promptly accepted. 

By this time, the world leaders were getting an uneasy feeling of being left out. But no one wanted to be the first one to give vent to this feeling. Meanwhile, the NAMO brigade was chugging at furious pace... Literally!!!!

By now, the summit was seeing the first signs of a split. It was NAMO and the G19. The remaining leaders started giving sound bytes which had faint hints about India sabotaging the entire summit for its gains and photo ops. A claim vehemently denied by the Indian spokesperson. 

The final act of NAMO proved to be the icing on the cake. Across cities of Australia, Narendra Modi unveiled statues of India's iconic leader. A leader who was known to rule with an iron hand. A leader known to brook no nonsense. 

Narendra Modi

The G20 Summit Coordination Committee will be meeting in the coming days to discuss on how to keep India at bay from such events. 


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