Thursday, June 7, 2012

Planning Commission FLUSHED with funds??

We have heard a lot about toilet humour. This has been taken a bit too far in the literal sense of the term now. An RTI response from the Planning Commission revealed that around 35 lakhs were spent on refurbishing two toilet blocks in the Planning Commission office.
Numerous activists and journalists have written about this case - citing that the amount could have been spent on something much more useful and important.

We are a fair judge of all matters. Not the one to be led or misled by populism - we heard out the story from the other end. What did the Planning Commission and Government of India had to offer. Precisely this...

First to speak out on this was Mani Shankar Aiyar... well as has been a habit since he has been in pub(l)ic life. "What is so wrong about this anyways? Does not the Planning Commission deserve a good quality sanitation facility? For God's sake- they plan our nation. They have to spend a lot of time thinking. Should not that place be a bit more comfortable? Also, there is a saying - well begun is half done. We are just giving them an opportunity to begin well so that atleast half is done".

Next to call a press conference was Diggy Raja. "If one looks at the amount spent on the CWG village and then look at the quality of the toilets built there, this cost is absolutely justified.The people behind CWG should be first questioned before pointing out any finger at the Planning Commission". He had to be immediately stopped as he goofed up again - CWG and its village and the toilets were all done by Congressmen and women (Sheila Dikshit and Kalmadi).

Not satiated with the kind of responses there were coming out, the queston was asked to the man in the top pot - Montek Singh.
This is what is the original and truthful version of the entire episode.

The media reports are grossly wrong in this matter. We refurbished the two blocks with active cards and the latest gizmos that could have been imported. The card is not the only option to open the doors. A user can also enter his 12 digit AADHAAR number as well. There was a lot of effort in terms of incorporating the UAID data into this system. Nandan and his team worked very hard to make this happen.
On being questioned on why such as cost had to be incurred in the first place....
The plan is not what it seems to be. The bigger picture is that all Sulabhs will be revamped into this prototype. We have already initiated the tendering process for building high quality, latest in technology sanitation blocks across the country. This is a joint public-private partnership initiative. We have received an in-principle assistance from Mr. Premji. These sanitation blocks would be co branded and Government intends to recover a significant revenue from advertising. Vipro would be putting up it's contextual logo - ...Applying Pot. The idea here is to get Mr. Premji on board like just Nandan for this nationwide programme.
All these blocks can be accessed by a smart card or by punching one's 12 digit Aadhaar number. The system would also have a payment gateway to directly debit from the bank account of the user. There would be monthly and annual subscription plans as well. There would be a light musc playing in the background to beckon the nature so that the nature can call. We have commissioned A R Rahman to come up with something unique and Indian. The interiors and aesthetics are being contracted to Hafiz Contractor.
On being questioned by when this entire programme would be rolled out...
Well, you know these are mammoth projects and given the interaction between different departments and teams, purchasing properties to set up blocks, electrification etc - I would say that the first phase of 1000 blocks would be fully operational by 2020 in New Delhi. Then we will move to other parts of the country and start awarding franchise modules for agencies to set up these blocks.
On asked how did he hit upon this germ of an idea...
Oh well of course, while I was sitting in one of these two blocks one lazy afternoon. It struck me that anyways they were in line for renovation so why not make it a grandiose project by itself.
On what would his role be in this programme...
As you know I am nearing my retirement age, I will be acting as the Chief Laxecutive for this programme. My job would be to ensure that the programme execution happens smoothly. Of course, my remuneration would be determined by a one-member commission headed by me.
Like Aadhaar... what would be the name here....
Well, at the risk of sounding immodest - I shared this name with some of my colleagues and they were also supportive. We wanted a new spunky name for this sanitation block so it will be Monty ka Potty... it kind of rhymes with Khosla ka Ghosla, Sonia ka India,....

On the total expected cost....
Well the initial unadjusted to inflation planned budget is 35000 crore (not having included the scam costs here). That s why I said that the media reports are grossly wrong!!!!!!

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