Saturday, February 4, 2012

mazaa E Kalmadi - Tihar trials and Teas!!!

Finally, the ordeal was over for Suresh Kalmadi as he got a much needed bail and came out of months' incarceration at Tihar. As he arrived into the city of Pune (his political fiefdom), one could not believe what was to be seen -hordes of supporters thronging along the route cheering their leader's return back home.

Suresh Kalmadi had a soiree where he released his book Khel Khel Mein- Uncommonwealth Saga!!!! During the book release, he also spoke about his future plans and all the planning that had gone in during his Tihar Institute of Heightened Access Reserves days.

This is how his day used to begin ... in his own words-

It was really a wonderful gesture on the part of the Government to assign me to the Tihar unit for some months. This was a blessing in disguise as I could fully concentrate on tasks at hand rather than keep on answering the same old questions about Commonwealth expenses etc. I had more important things to do rather than explain the imaginary loss to the country's exchequer.

In Tihar, I used to get up early in the morning at around 5 am and then head for a nice brisk walk around the campus and also sometimes outside the campus if I felt like it. The walk was followed by a nice shower and then a sumptuous breakfast. Some of the veterans there credited my presence for a change in menu. I used to have two idlis, some dry fruits, a bowl of museli and a big glass of Orange juice to wash it down.

Then I used to start my office. I had recruited some locals there as admin staff like reception, personal secretary etc in Tihar. Work related to planning for the London Olympics has been quite a uphill task and hence the quiet environs of Tihar facilitated my work.

I used to break for lunch at around 1.30 pm. Lunch was usually two high fiber rotis with some veggies with less oil and spices, some salads, a bit of rice and some sweets (usually a swiss fondue which is my favourite). Second half was usually reserved for meetings or conference calls with UK f0lks. The London Olympics is being planned on the similar lines of the CWG. We had made an intial presentation highlighting the profitability of the CWG event last year. All the opposition ranting apart - the UK folks were mighty impressed!!! This resulted in IOC being appointed as a Guardian Consultant and I becoming the head of The Honesty Integrity Ethics Failure Committee.

More on that later, a small fracas erupted some months ago where the media went gaga over a simple tea session that I had. Normally, my high teas are only with the corporate denizens in Tihar - only that one day, the Tihar Supervisor Officer had come to meet me to discuss his impending transfer and the only time I could allocate for the discussion was my tea time. Who said that a lot could happen only over Coffee? Malaika Arora... I guess....

On one occassion, I also had the privilege of meeting Mr. Anna Hazare. He had come into the Tihar unit as a gesture of some protest against corruption and Lokpal Bill - we both are so similar, both of us were in Tihar by our own free will!!!! He gifted me with a Gandhi cap which read - MAIN ANNA HOON. He warned me that he would be closely monitoring me and my deeds. I, being none the wiser - immediately made some changes on the cap and it now read - MAIN CHAUKANNA HOON!!!!! I hope Mr. Hazare will not have any problems with me now.

Now, let me explain what is my role in the coming Olympics in UK. The THIEF committee has been given a mandate to ensure that the London Olympics is just as devoid of politics, money laundering and squandering, corruption, sychophancy etc as the CWG was under my management. Many of you would wonder - how will this event and how was CWG as well profitable?

It is very simple, theories in Economics suggest that loss or profit is as relative to the capital invested. Extrapolating the same argument - loss or profit in one venture is relative to the loss or profit in a similar contemporary venture. Opportunity profit, just like opportunity loss; is the notional profit made in the absence of a notional possible impending loss. Some learnings gained during my interactions with the corporate in Tihar!!!!!

If I have to simplify and explain - I actually saved the country's exchequer by thousands of crores of rupees. How, if you will ask me - by ensuring that I did not take up the Telecom ministry!!!!!!

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