Yes, Manoj Kumar has epitomized it millions of times, yet some facts are hard to accept, especially when they come from the domains or facets of society not in conjunction to the fact. Mera Bharat Mahan - a fact showcased by Mr. Bharat and a quote that is seen everyday morning on some automobile's derriere. Yet, we have been conditioned to ape others and neglect our own.
The currently in progress Indian Science Congress has ruffled quite a few "feathers", and quite literally too. A research topic presented by Mr. Bodas titled "Ancient Sciences through Sanskrit" created quite an uproar within the academic fraternity. Mr. Bodas spoke about the revolutionary technologies that existed in ancient India. Aerial vehicles which could fly beyond supersonic speeds, hover at a point or travel across planets was a norm du jour. "The basic structure was of 60 by 60 feet and in some cases, over 200 feet. They were jumbo planes," he said. "The ancient planes had 40 small engines.
As the general populace is against such loud and audacious pronouncements, truth is never too distant. Or is it? Let us investigate this in more detail so as to prove the Congress right, even if it is the Science Congress.
I am completely in for zero. India invented the zero. It did not exist earlier so discovered invented. We were the first ones to experience nothingness, hence felt the need to represent it as well.
The Romans were screaming that the world is flat, Indians always maintained that the world is round. Finally it was an American who laughed his way to the bank saying the World is Flat. So tough luck here.
Well, regarding the Pythagoras theorem, lesser cared the better. The world would have been a much better place to live in; without math. So even if my forefathers invented it; I will be gracious to let go off this recognition.
Ancient Indians had far advanced modes of communications - it is today called as Telepathy; a topic still not comprehended by the modern world. This science got lost in time and that has resulted in today's Indians being vague in their responses and ambiguous in assertions or refusals. Imagine this was conveyed via thought waves called vichar dhara. The rest of the world was still struggling with guttural noises which over centuries evolved into speech.
Plastic surgery was not invented in ancient India, inspite of Mr. Modi's claims. Lord Ganesha would then seem a misfit deity with a head of an elephant rather than any of his ilk. Ganesha looks just perfect. Let us leave it at that.
Coming back to the matter at hand, ancient flying machines did exist. Ancient Indians were able to fly from country to country and also across planets. Look at Hanuman. Look at Garuda. Look at Jatayu. Look at Milkha. Ok, this was in bad taste. They were all flying around.
This statement proves one truth true and another truth false. Indians were able to move across countries. True. That is why Indians have existed across the globe for so many years. Their ancestors must have stayed back.
False. Why did other civilizations not copy the Indians. Perhaps the truth is sometimes grey.
This image may prove it.
The Wright Brothers did attempt to use ancient Indian technology, just a couple of thousands of years later; and rather unsuccessfully. Eventually, they had to adopt the more riskier and expensive method of designing the aeroplane.
This still does not answer the main question. How were ancient Indians able to move around in the air? To get more details, let us dig into the Vaimanika Purana written by Maharishi Bharadwaj. Vaimanika Purana - I cannot fathom it as I have yet to learn Sanskrit. But one look at Maharishi Bharadwaj and everything just seems so simple and so plain and so logical and so easy.
On a serious note, these two links will provide more details on the technological advances made in ancient India. What happened to all of them? Why are we rotting today? Questions to which only Rajnikant provide answers!!!
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