As they were about to make an exit - Arya Babbar escorts the media persons and provides them with a collage that can be published in tomorrow's news paper. The media guys are mighty impressed - their work is half done by Arya himself.
They take the collage of images and leave with grand grins plastered on their faces.
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The next day newspapers are all raining praises on the Messiah of Mumbai - Raj Babbar. For once, Aaj ki taaza Babbar - full meals @ 12 INR, a Congressman has delivered what he promised. Meals for 12 Rupees without any cost of corruption or pilferage can be a reality!!!!! Hail BABBAR DA DHABA!!!! Cheapest meal in the world - Mumbai!!!! etc. Along with this main headlines, also was published a nondescript article that meals would be served at Babbar Da Dhaba between 3-5 pm and 12-1 am. Nobody bothered reading this. Babbar gets global recognition like never before!!!
Amul also provides a fitting tribute to this ground breaking event.
Immediately, Congress party plans a media blitzkrieg to showcase its newest success. The opposition parties are just huddled into a corner now - not knowing how to deal with this. Images do speak a thousand words or rather... eat a thousand morsels in this case!!!!
Raj Babbar plans a grand rally to celebrate this success. There are sections within the party who are murmuring dissent against Sharad Pawar and want Raj Babbar to be the Food Minister. This murmur slowly becomes stronger when Raj announces BABBAR DA DHABAS to be opened in other cities as well. Raj soon emerges to be a strong contender for Pawar. In the course of next 3 months, Raj eventually becomes the nation's Food Minister. Babbar Da Dhabas are operational in 8 cities now.
Raj Babbar then announces that for some time, no new BABBAR DHABAS will be commissioned as he will be focusing on bettering the quality of the food being served there. This again goes damn well with the media - additional betterment !!!! Media is invited for a lunch and wine tasting session each Sunday. This ensures that good reviews are never in shortage!!!!
Some images of Raj Babbar's success story!!!!
Now coming to the main question - how does Babbar manage this entire business?
Is it possible to run a chic restaurant offering all-you-can-eat for INR 12 ?
You must be joking. You don't get pretty much anything in INR 12.
How is Babbar then managing to run this facade?
Simple - being the nation's food minister does come with it's perks. Almost everything being supplied to his dhabas are free and perhaps in gratitude. Vendors are fighting to become caterers to Babbar da Dhabas. They get entry into Government tenders and licenses. Babbar charges a decent percentage of from the vendors who are catering at the dhabas. No wonder many are willing to take a minuscule loss for greater good and greed.
Is he losing money by running these dhabas?
Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!! He is laughing away to his banks.
How long can he run this business?
As long as he has the food ministry. He has also signed a pact with the Congress High Command that whoever will take over from him (if such a case does happen)- he or she will have to buyout the restaurant business.
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