Monday, May 14, 2012

Bharat SANSADsashthi Namaay!!!!!!!

The Parliament of India turns 60!!!! Finally, we can claim a seniority status in terms of Modern India's Governing Institute.

What initially started out under the British rule as Council House evolved into the current Legislative Institute in 1952 when India announced its Democratic Sovereign Nation to the world. 

 The Parliament over the last 6 decades has seen it all. It has aged through tough times and not without being periodically battered and bruised. Many of the ribs still hurt making movements slow. No guesses for understanding why reforms or decisions take aeons to be sanctioned!!!!

On this occassion, after blowing the candles and cutting the cake, we get a chance to speak to the Birthday Boy!!!!! Let us hear him out!!!

As I stand and look behind on the days of Glory past,
Just realize that decades have passed and how so fast
Seems like just yesterday when Arthur laid my first stone,
and now here I am - still standing but with few broken bones

Many a Great have been welcomed by me,
My eyes go moist when I recollect Nehru's India's Tryst with Destiny,
Oh what a moment of pride and honour was it!!!!
My heart - the Central Hall was for the occasion deemed fit!!!!

1952 was the year of my reincarnation,
same body but with the soul of a new Sovereign Democratic Nation,
How much on that day did I wish - if my friend could be with me,
but alas, to a bullet of a revolutionary had succumbed thee,

Over the years I saw many a History unfold;
Many a policy being laid many a great speech being told,
How with a bated breath I used to gauge;
Atalji's next sentence after an emphatic pause,

There were some days of Special Glory,
visiting foreign Premiers have talked in me,
Barack spoke recently: he speaks well,
but the passion was missing, the intent perhaps on Dollar and fuel?

The stronger memories being from the recent years;
have been seeing come true: my worst fears;
Rarely do I see the erstwhile camaraderie today- less real and more fake,
Except some like Manmohan's Maana ki teri deed ke qaabil nahin hoon main; tu mera shauq to dekh, mera intezaar to dekh;

More painful are the blows suffered,
some by my own throwing tables and mikes to make themselves heard;
some by my neighbour drawing guns against me, the undetered,
A cousin's sanctity was recently molested in a functional house,
as some miscreants objectionable videos watch and browse,

Scams are such sweet sorrow,
they go on as if they have no tomorrow,
The Nation suffers in the fray,
as I get an unexpected holiday!!!

With broken bones and a broken heart,
here I stand - still a marvel of art,
more goons are gaining my access,
Leading to in each session - increasing stress!!!

With this being my state of health,
comes to me as no surprise,
as regards the policies or decisions to be dealt,
I move at the pace of a tortoise!!!!

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